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Spin-off company from the Polytechnic University of Madrid

The implementation of the Water Framework Directive aims to achieve good ecological status for all water bodies by 2015. To fulfill this objective is necessary to develop applied research on the field of water science. Ecohidráulica has participated either autonomously or within the Hydrobiology research team of the Polytechnic University of Madrid carrying out these tasks:

  • Characterization and Classification of water bodies, according to their physical and biological characteristics
  • Reference conditions (under natural conditions) assessment for each type of water body:
  • Development of methodologies for assessment of ecological status, based on biological criteria
  • Design of management measures to improve ecological status
  • Consulting services and collaboration in European projects linked to the WFD.

Ecohidráulica S.L. is actively working to develop science-based solutions for proper water management

Ecohidráulica S.L. Main Page | tel:(+34) 650 841066 | contact | enviar un e-mail